Different communication and work styles can be an asset to team dynamics and performance. The key is for team members to better understand and recognise their own communication and work style as well as that of others, and how to combine individual strengths to improve team functionality.
WorkMatters can assist in developing and/or improving team relationship in situations where:
- A new team has been established and team members need to develop relationships, protocols, values and future directions.
- Team relationships need a ‘reboot’ as a consequence of an imposed restructure
- A new manager needs to introduce change within a well-established team
- Conflict between team members is impacting on the team’s ability to function effectively
WorkMatters will evaluate each situation, consult with team members and mangers and
recommend a program using the most appropriate tools and process to assist the team’s development. This can include a combination of:
- Individual training
- Conflict coaching
- Confidential self-evaluation questionnaires
- Team Management profile (TMP)
- Facilitated meetings between the parties